Михновец написал 2023-07-29 обращение

  • Email отправителя: [email protected]
  • Фамилия отправителя: Михновец

Собственное имя: Юлия
Отчество (если таковое имеется): Владимировна
Адрес места жительства (места пребывания) и (или) места работы (учебы): 236006, РФ, г. Калининград, Баграмяна 26-41
Контактный телефон (указать код города, или мобильного оператора): +79005701131
Текст обращения: Добрый день! В продолжении моего письма я дублирую текст на английском языке, который я отправила в иностранные спецслужбы Европы и от двух получила ответ Good morning, My information will be very useful and interesting for your government to protect your state and your citizens against russian intelligence service. I would like also to ask your help and to do the specials investigations on my subject via your specials services. The russian service security (the FSB) has a very high interest on my personality the third year, during that they are testing, practicing their new secret technologies and their technical equipment on me and my body. Th FSB are working out (working off) more then 60-70 technologies on me organism. Actually I'm living not far from your state. Please, help me and protect me against them. The FSB is doing a very new scientific research on me without any agreement with me as I'm not an average person. The FSB has the specials technicals equipments that allow to violate a lot my Earth's gravitation, my coordination. The Russian officers did it regulary. The FSB can change the Atmosphere on Earth, also the climate. The Russians officers let (radiate) the powerful waves rations through me, my body, my organism, they drowned out all the sounds around. The drowned out my ears strong and quickly with a special wave. What I'm going to talk about I have seen by my eyes and I have experienced on myself. The FSB of Russia earned a lot of money on me. I would like to inform you about the next: there is a special wave radiation developed in a scientific laboratory, which the russian officers of the FSB directs at person or groupe of people using a computer program, also on a space and an atmosphere, so after that people become completely managed by them: their brain and mind. I saw everything in person and it's scared a lot what I saw. People seem to be under hypnosis, everyone has the same look, very unatural, it is very clear that they are under the influence of technical equipment and they don't know about this. There are also the different programs to encode people​, written by programmers, that allow to set certain negative tasks and to perform the bad actions, e.g to bringing hurm to others. They give a bad task to a person using a computer program with an algorithm. Noone from average people knows about this. I was a participant of these programs 5 times. Dates of their experiments : from February 26, 2021 to February 27, 2021 (when they have poisoned me very hard for the first time in the cafe), from April 2, 2021 to April 7, 2021, from November 24, 2021 to December 1, 2021, from February 1 to February 12, 2022, from September 5 to September 25, 2022. The place of their experiments (tests) was a russian city, Kaliningrad, where actually I'm living. Everything was recorded by camera of the city. It was also in my home without any camera from my side. The FSB of Russia tested the differents secrets technologies on me: they turned my consciousness on and off, sharply reduced my blood pressure and I'm almost lost consciousness in a public place, abruptly tore off the sole of my shoes so that I could not walk, put yellow substance in my mouth so that I suddenly wanted to sleep, also white substance in my mouth to greatly enlarge my pupils. I spat it all at once. They did my skin sharply yellow, they changed the tone of my voice. They completly managed my body, my hands without my will. The strength of their technicals equipments and technologis are stronger than my attempts to resist. The FSB does all it with distance. The FSB of Russia has also the secrets programs written by programmers to manage and completly control body, brain and mind of people. Some of computer programs has a timer and an clear! algorithm of actions how to behave for people, i.e. people around begin to behave according to a certain algorithm. People doesn't remember and doesn't understand what happened under these programs. The level of their new technologies is very high. The FSB of Russia can do with everyone whatever they want, no boards. For example, one program allow to them to increase the speed of people and cars, other program permit to poison food and drinks through the eyes and hands or rather through them being under this wave radiation. People don't remember what they said and did being under control of these programs. There is also a technical equipment wich allows to knock out something of the hands. I didn't sleep 12 days during these programs. Could your agents to don't sleep also 12 days and feel yourself well? It is enough to check my movements by mobile phone +79005701131 during the dates or their experiments. The FSB have created these programs to manage people, including people in cars, buses on the space. It is important to note that this program allows you to determine, change the movement, the direction of the trajectory of people, the speed of their movements, including the speed of cars, increase the speed of movement above the norm, also the same with the round doors in the shopping centre. I saw all this personally and I would like to underline that I was a participant of all these experiments. The FSB of Russia didn't program me for their experiments. If people are calm, friendly, sociable in ordinary life, then under the influence of the programs they are completely different: cold, stony, evil faces. However it's possible to unlock them a little with certain words, text. The people looks becomes computer-generated, unnatural, so unnatural under these new technologies, that any person who will see all this in real life, will be profoundly shocked. The FSB has learned to make people like zombies, people completely controlled by them. Also, I've never stumbled in 8 years, now it's been 16 times in one month. The FSB can manage the feet by the technical equipment. The FSB of Russia has the equipment that falls on top of the head, as I understand it is a wave effect. They slow down my movement when I was walking, my coordination was lost. The FSB of Russia uses the waves for a human control, they can ground a person, it is possible to slow down his movement. This effect of the waves is stronger than the resistance force of the human body. There are also instruments for the violation of human coordination, they hit the head with a beam, a person is lost in space, everything floats, but then passes. There is an equipment to put a sharp beam through different organs, for example, the intestines, compress the heart, and so on. The FSB of Russia can also change the weather but only during these computer programs, that I have already mentionned. They can do suddenly very cold, windy, etc. They influence on the atmosphere. I have experimented everything on myself. I was also abruptly thrown on the asphalt 2 times forward, sideways and once back. The cameras of the city recorded all this. There is a program for managing how to throw a person, I was thrown hard, it was very painful and they threw me on 3 fingers and a knee only using technology without touching me by hands and it hurts a lot. They gave a command to their technical equipment how I would fall and with what force. Actually, the FSB are studying the energy of people bodies, the capacity of bodies. They have developed very high technologies using a capacity of people eyes. They can do a projection from billboard's face and eyes on the person's eyes, who looked at his poster by a special wave frequency on the street, the shopping centre etc. They do it to cause a strong fear or prevent about something, if they need. They can distort image on the street, internet, foto, TV but only face, no other things. They can do alive a billboard face, if they need it with their technologies. Please, investigate all this information. I hope you will found out about everything and if it's possible I would like to ask you to help and protect me. Thank you by advance. Sincerely, Yulia Mikhnovets mobile phone: +79005701131, +79216161653 E-mail: [email protected] My address: 26-41 Marshala Bagramyana street, Kaliningrad, 236006, Russia