Sergey написал 2023-04-06 обращение

  • Email отправителя: [email protected]
  • Фамилия отправителя: Sergey

Собственное имя: Kupin
Отчество (если таковое имеется):
Адрес места жительства (места пребывания) и (или) места работы (учебы): Ukraine Kyiv region Bucha Borisa Gmyri street 20a
Контактный телефон (указать код города, или мобильного оператора): +380508107349
Текст обращения: Hello! "If people knew how many favorable opportunities are scattered around and how many wonderful gifts are hidden in themselves, they would forever leave despondency and laziness" (Al Biruni) 1. Grain and water its 20% grain free for chiken for new 1/5 civilization and more than 5 times vitamins B,E 2. Contracts - Leasing, Kyoto, credit, change - you no need money, you can pay for change to new equipment from economy energy 3. Train on hydrogen Siemens cost only 200 tickets with price €10 in day. First bild for leasing you can pay from amortization found from old trains, another bilds from economy energy It's system possibilities. Please use possibilities for growth world economy for happy civilization 200 governments can start today from competition between business companies for change equipment without money from government And please first for your security stop terrorists massons Only small gung very angry and very stupid terrorists made hell in planet Earth for all with wars between countries, selling stolen weapon, bioterrorism with AIDS, covid-19, aviacatastrofes, earthquakes, terracts, drugstafic, diversions, provocations, genocide with stole State budgets for military, medicine insurances, pensions, help to mothers. It's vampires sadists drones ghouls from red army Larisa Perceva, diversant Zoya Kosmedimyanskaya, demon sorrow fighted Ukraine and Russia same time Artashez Gazaryan, demon evil, masson, Podlas, sending weapon from west and Russia same time V.Putin, Lucifer, Kain, Iuda, Rasputin, Matat Kazey M.Putina, Iezaveli fighted Ukraine and Russia same time B.Obama fighted Fukusima (Japan), sending stolen american weapon from Ukraine to Finland Soros Rothschilds Pavel Dologlu, 04.01.76 organisated earthquakes in Turkey and Siriya, aviacatastrofe President of Poland 10.04.10, IL-76 with ukranian desant in Lugansk Ghoul Anton Borisov 88, diversant Vagner, fighted Poland and russian cities, Ukraine and Russia same time, fighted civil people in Severodonetsk, fighted bridges in Kyiv region and Crimea, aviacatastrofes in Iran and Turkey, fighted bigest airplane in world Dream and now pay to soldiers for closed ne for stop investigation N.Kumarina organisated provocations with Anton Borisov 88 because Borisov family receive salary in Vagner from Perceva Alexander Borisov fighted civil people in Severodonetsk with minomets and GRAD from school 11 Mikhail Borisov killed L.Povorotti Alla Borisova receive money from Perceva and organisate children killlers Gofur Rahimov wanted by CIA Ramil Rahimov 81 Nikita Rahimov 93 Suhonosov K.Chernov,84 terrorists Vagner in Ukraine Kyiv region Bucha Borisa Gmyri street 18,18a,20,20a, facts in Official magazine of the EU L4451 from 5.11.98 Devil, demon dark Konstantin Galiy Beriya in Lithuania Klaypeda Inna Pidluska (demon pain, Krupskaya) Baloga Sushko Lyovochkin Boyko Sanikova V.Kozak (demon death, Bes, Mal, Trockiy) Kuchma Ahmetov Pinchuk fighted Ukraine from Belarus only for desinformation in time stole credits of IMF, selling credits of IMF to people more than 200 times experience, stole ukranian gas, gold in Russia - its gung of angry frogs in found of Soros in Kyiv Sechevih strelcov street 46 (Behterevskiy 13a) Demon death V.Kozak,18.11.69 (Bes, Mal, Trockiy) organisated telephone mining children garden in Ukraine and 170 towns in Russia, organisated aviacatastrofe Superjet 05.05.19 in Moscow for import 100 Boeing and Airbus, fighted Ukraine from Belarus in time selling stolen gold in Ukraine from Russia They can stop but receive minimum 240 000 rubles every month for terrorists Vagner, they use children of killers for provocations, use children in Police, Army for close me, migrant, invalid with 2 invalids God Mother and Iisus Hristos, me journalist, guide in Turkey 9 years, lower, auther deal OTP-CR-78/19 from 18.02.19 in ICC Frogs stole my sant woter and selling to governments my magazines, my work for searching best innovations and same time killled my father GOD Kupin Vasiliy, 9 relatives, fighted my small town, my motherland not for land or for profit only for tears for vampires, sadists massons and diversants on salary. Please NOW sent purposes to professionals, volonters for save officers, soldiers in them war For stop war enough licvidate only this small gung of international terrorists massons diversants ghouls It's no people, its frogs!!! with spirit of Devil (Apocalypse) Sincerely, Sergey Kupin Ukraine Kyiv region Bucha Borisa Gmyri street 8a/58 06.04.23