Kupin написал 2023-02-14 обращение

  • Email отправителя: [email protected]
  • Фамилия отправителя: Kupin

Собственное имя: Sergey
Отчество (если таковое имеется):
Адрес места жительства (места пребывания) и (или) места работы (учебы): Ukraine Kyiv region Bucha Borisa Gmiry street 18/18a/20/20a
Контактный телефон (указать код города, или мобильного оператора): 0668644390
Текст обращения: Hello! Please help Please sent facts to base of Interpol - it's start for licvidation main terrorists in world It's very small gung international terrorists and killers, its children want play. Motivation of this gung of massons only money. They killed people in Siriya and Libiya, Sudan and Kongo, Zair and Egypt, CAR and Palestine, Israel and Georgiya, Azerbaijan and Armeniya, Russia and Ukraine, India and Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan, Serbiya and Iraq, Turkey and Greece. It's no russian, its no ukranian - its international gung of terrorists, they have not ideology, terrorists receive money for killed civil people. 100% news its not full info. It's no war between Russia and Ukraine, its war between international terrorists and civilization. Same time massons terrorists Larisa Perceva Artashez Gazaryan Gofur Rahimov Konstantin Galiy sending weapon from Russia to Ukraine and sending from EU, USA to Ukraine, same time Warning! this gung sending stolen american weapon from Ukraine to Finland. Only 20-30 massons, 100 terrorists and killers made problem for 10 mlrd people, for all civilization. They don't want go from Ukraine because receive salary for diversions. Devil Galiy sending stolen weapon and nead war, Perceva Artashez Gazaryan stole State budget of Russia to military and medicine insurances and nead desinformation, down M.Putina witb Gofur Rahimov believe to demon sorrow Perceva and fighting Ukraine only for stole deposit in Found of Rothschilds, only for this!!!! Im journalist, Im use info only from internet and see terrorists near me, I'm from Severodonetsk, Lugansk region, they fighted civil people only for stole State budget of Russia to military and medicine insurances, civil people no fighted soldiers. Im in Ukraine Kyiv region Bucha and terrorists again near me, its children want play game war, Im invalid with old mother 74 y,o. and brother invalid, I help to my family, we in simply flat with 1 room, I not used weapon, I no worked in army, Im guide for adults and children in Turkey and Egypt from 2009. All name of terrorists 1) Larisa Perceva,17.02.49 its small grandmother is mind of gung, very ill women used lie for children only for stole State budget of Russia to military, oligofren Perceva paid nearly $5000 for killing and terracts from $157 mlrd from State budget of Russia, children dont understand that massons pay only 0,0001% for killers, terrorists Vagner 2) Artashez Gazaryan, old grandfather sending weapon from EU, USA to Ukraine with massons 3) V.Putin only 1 from 200 Mugabe for stole State budget of Russia to massons. Russia no need land in Ukraine, its desinformation only for stole State budget of Russia to military and medicine insurances, only for this. Putin no President of Russia last 10 yesrs, proof Definition Constitution court of Russia 134-O from 5.11.98 about limits 4) Konstantin Galiy, 06.11.68 in Lithuania Klaypeda, selling stolen weapon and organisated terracts, provocation between countries 5) Gofur Rahimov, wanted by CIA. Family of Rahimov believe stupid Perceva and lost life for delivery heroin, realy relax its free. Im guide sold tours to sea only 20-30$, its very little money, aviaticets are free in vandrouki, in jeep safary i take only water gungs, its children not believe to happy because have sorrow. 6) Minotaur Pavel Dologlu,04.01.76 organisated earthquakes in Turkey and Siriya, Dologlu very ill and Perceva and Rahimov used ill Dologlu for terracts 7) M.Putina fighted Ukraine only for save $500 mlrd percents every year from deposit in Found of Rothschilds, Perceva and Rahimov used lie for stupid M.Putina. Ukraine no fighted Russia, ukranian and russian together have problems from 1991 and 1986 last 37 years, UK and China have problems with covid last 26 years 8) drugsdilers K.Chernov, Ramil Rahimov,81 used army of Ukraine with Perceva, Artashez Gazaryan Pavel Dologlu Gofur Rahimov M.Putina for desinformation in time drugstrafic from Afghanistan to EU 9) terrorists Vagner received money from Perceva and Galiy for organisations diversions, provocations in Ukraine Kyiv region Bucha. For arrest terrorists Vagner enough facts in magazine EU from 13.12.21 about killed people in Libiya. Perceva and Galiy used Vagner only for stole 1/2 State budget of Russia to military and medicine insurances, idiot Putin need to gung only for signature for stole State budget and for organisations genocide 57 mln people in Russia with stole pensions, help to mothers, gas and oil, gold and weapon. 10) Anton Borisov, 88, A.Mozgovoy,81, D.Utkin,70, Boshirov, Nikita Rahimov, 93, Suhonosov, S.Dmitriev,81, M.Taldonov,83, I.Stoyanec, A.Zavyalov, Voluyskiy, Usupjanov, Docenko, Kravcov, 88, Karandashov 88, Karandashov 53, Kalashnikov 81 only killers. Perceva used them for provocations only for stole State budget of Russia to military and medicine insurances. They are together in Ukraine Kyiv region Bucha Borisa Gmiry street 18, 18a, 20, 20a. Konstantin Galiy in Lithuania Klaypeda used all gung for killing my family of Arhangels because we have knowledge about gung from God, Galiy and Perceva stole our knowledge, Im worked in magazines from 2007, Galiy stole info sbout Yamal, Perceva used info about Kyoto, Borisov family relac in my tour when i worked. They no ssid thanks to teachers, they killed civil people, my old father 72 y o, 9 my relatives from grandfather 80 y.o., they fighted my town and killed all my relatives because very ill Perceva and Galiy, Dologlu, M.Putina don't like my words in forum, chat, but its only my opinion, its ill children want fighted light people with soul and heart, they think we can not speak, they can killed people. Why? Its red army! Im Guide, journalist, i made happy, Im used ultrawhite way tourism with water gung and journalistic, normal classic journalistic, Im invalid after infarct, we no killed of this people Its old history - Kain killed Avel, Red Army 1/3 black angels killed Prince Alexey, Uriy Gagarin, fighted my family Arhangels Mikhail Uriil Gabriel Iegudil because we light, only for stop my investigation killed my family. Please help me, sent facts to base of Interpol, sent polices for arrest only 100 main terrorists with facts killed people before!!! You need it for your security, for peace for your children!!! We not fighted this gung ill children, they sadists, vampires, Im only guide, journalist, I can power only for help to my family, I have only cleanest water for stop wars, for licvidation only massons, terrorists. I repeat, it's no war between Russia and Ukraine, its world terrorism for licvidation civilization, they can not stopes because very ill, they no believe to happy, peace, they again in 1917-1953. What we can do? You no history 23.12.53 Beriya (Galiy), Dekonozov (Sergey Borisov), Kabulyan (V.Kumarin), Goglidze (Shoygu), Merkulov (A.Bortnikov), Frinovskiy (Gerasimov), Vladzimirskiy (Fridmam), Meshik (Bastrikin) are died. World war, genocide in Russia finished only after licvidation main terrosts in world. I repeat its very small gung, Arhangels made 99% work of polices, you need only use purposes and licvidate this angry international terrorists, real organisators of wars, massons, frogs!!! for your security! We lost family, life, health for this purposes for you for save armies and civilization. If you no stop them - they sending stolen weapon from Ukraine to Finland for diversions in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Belgium... They think only about 16 mlrd rubley every day ($157 mlrd every year) from State budget of Russia to military and medicine insurances, for this children not enough wars they used earthquakes, they need provocations, terracts, aviacatastrofes in time drugstrafic 10 000 heroin (2mlrd doses for $1trln every year), only for this massons used terrorists and killers,its no politics, its world terrorism of Red Army again. 1 policeman from 27 members of Europe Union enough for licvidation 27 main terrorists, you no need oprganisators - you licvidate only 1 terrorist for 1 country, ABC enough Germany licvidate Galiy Poland licvidate Perceva Bulgaria licvidate Borisov Anton,88 Denmark licvidate Dologlu Pavel Armenia, Azerbaijan licvidate Artashez Gazaryan Chernogoriya, Serbia licvidate Chernov Romania, Bulgaria licvidate Ramil Rahimov Portugal, Spain licvidate V.Putin, M.Putina Greece,USA licvidate Gofur Rahimov Estonia licvidate E.Prygozhin Belgium licvidate Bogatov Constelis, CSIS, SUPO, SAPO, PET, MIVD, VSD, KAPO, ABW, VDD, SSG, DAR licvidate terrorists Vagner: 1 country - 1 purpose Its simply system enough for clean planet from demons now! Sincerely, Sergey Kupin Ukraine Kyiv region Bucha 380508107349 14.02.23