Sergey написал 2023-02-08 обращение

  • Email отправителя: [email protected]
  • Фамилия отправителя: Sergey

Собственное имя: Kupin
Отчество (если таковое имеется):
Адрес места жительства (места пребывания) и (или) места работы (учебы): Borisa Gmiry street 8a/58
Контактный телефон (указать код города, или мобильного оператора): 0668644390
Текст обращения: Hello! 1) You add facts to base of Interpol for licvidation main terrorists today now (Larisa Perceva Artashez Gazaryan Gofur Rahimov Soros Obama Rothschilds V.Putin M.Putina K.Chernov Konstantin Galiy Inna Pidluska Pavel Dologlu - its enough) 2) You sent 1 lower to ICC for receive decision to my deal OTP-CR-78/19 3) You not working from tomorrow because all terrorists killers are arrested 4) You have free gas, elecricity, air for automobiles, hydroaccumalation to energetic system, no pay tax 5) you forgot about carantine and virus 6) PMC arrest main terrorists, real organisators of wars and genocide in world free 7) Civilization no need UN, Interpol, IMF, ICC, Bitkoin, Pornohab 8) Civilization no need money - all free 9) Civilization no need 200 presidents - its clowns 10) Civilization no need found of Rothschilds and offshores because we no need money 11) we no need tanks, airplanes in army because it's show for fulishmans 12) we no need nuclear stations because 1 station cost 20 mlrd LED lamps and better made LED lamps than building new nuclear stations and using old stations 13) 200 presidents, 200 head of armies, 200 head of polices, 200 heads of governments and parliaments relax on islands because massons used them for genocide 14) all children of killers and terrorists know that no need made problems to Archangel Michael, Gagarin - God have more islands! 15) wars finish - people no killing each other 16) heroin licvidate with fabrics for precursors and opium fields - if we have Starlink, we can using Mikrotron for rentgen planet and licvidate petrol stations with heroin too 17) in Russia cancel mobilization, in Ukraine open abroad because massons, demons are licvidated 18) girls and mothers no pay for transport - public transport free because using hydrogen and air, unasko and hydrogen accumulations 19) civilization no need schools - best lessons on nature and tours, we have video and dictionary with frases its enough 20) we no need dantists - we can using stownes with air 1 time in life 21) oceans full fishes - 10 mlrd people have 10 mlrd fishes every day 22) grain with water after weak for new 2 mlrd people 23) lazer to rise for save 1/6 water and rise for new 1/6 people 24) sun - new religion again, we no need churches and old books 25) 1 President - 1 government online, no army, no police, no prisons, no weapon, no money, all free, people working for good carma free 26) soul its main possibility for happy 27) we no need media and news 28) we no need abroad 29) we have enough water from rivers in oceans 30) we no need high education, science its labirint 31) agriculture no need chemical 32) domes for cities without energy for heating 33) we no need reconstruction old towns - we have more places for 100 civilization 34) Europe sending officers to Ukraine without weapon 35) Russia no need President, army and money 36) wars are finish, people go home, tanks to spoons and bicycles Please sent to main pages and go home too, you can sent 1/10 foods to friends and receive 1/10 +1/10 after 1 month - it's system of balance Sincerely, Sergey Kupin 08.02.23